przejdz do tresci

Offer for Real Estate market

Our lawyers advise at all stages of investment projects, in particular, they provide an analysis of the legal title to the land, negotiating the terms of contracts, obtaining all necessary permits for investment and also they protect the interests of our clients in litigation between investors, developers and their clients.

Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of the property market needed for both individual customers and small and large businesses.

Contact with the law firm

If you have questions regarding legal advice or if you would like to arrange a meeting with a legal adviser, please contact the law firm.

  • (+48) 22 626-11-00
  • (+48) 22 629-47-44
  • (+48) 22 626-11-03
  • (+48) 22 626-11-04
  • (+48) 606-148-884
  • (+48) 602-506-666

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