przejdz do tresci

Administrative cases

Our lawyers provide representation before state agencies, administrative courts, including voivodship administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.
In addition, the Law Office makes legal opinions and helps sought from the competent authorities of the state administration all permits and licenses necessary for the achievement of economic goals.

Our lawyers draw up the proposals, complaints and claims to state bodies, such as claims against resolutions of local governments and central administration, as well as against the inaction of administrative authorities.

Contact with the law firm

If you have questions regarding legal advice or if you would like to arrange a meeting with a legal adviser, please contact the law firm.

  • (+48) 22 626-11-00
  • (+48) 22 629-47-44
  • (+48) 22 626-11-03
  • (+48) 22 626-11-04
  • (+48) 606-148-884
  • (+48) 602-506-666

© 2003 Lawyer Marcin Pakosz

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